The new glass tower will be 235 metres high.
Londoners, brace yourselves for a skyscraper spectacle that is about to shoot up into the sky. Dust off your binoculars because 55 Bishopsgate, a spanking new 63-story glass tower is shaking up London's architectural game.
This towering giant will stretch an incredible 235 metres into the sky – that’s 771 feet. And get this – it’ll have an exclusive free public gallery, offering 360-degree views of the entire capital. You might just be able to see your house from up there, too.

The new 55 Bishopsgate is not just about looking cool, it’s got a job to do too. The skyscraper will be home to 7,000 workers, providing a hub for business and innovation in the heart of the financial district. In fact, this new tower will also create about 7,500 new jobs in the city.

While 55 Bishopsgate has been approved, it didn’t come without drama. St. Paul's Cathedral, which is a cherished historic landmark, raised objections fearing that the skyscraper would compromise the iconic skyline that London is so well-known for – or that it might overshadow the cathedral. The City of London Corporation was convinced that the impact would be minimal, striking a balance between the city's historical heritage and the need for modern development.
Before construction can begin, the existing building will have to undergo demolition. And, if all goes according to plan, 55 Bishopsgate will break ground next year with an ambitious completion target of 2029. We can’t wait.
GO: Visit for more information.